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Form 1120-H Lowell Massachusetts: What You Should Know
Mills 2108. A.6. A petition filed to designate a parcel as open space, recreational use, recreation ground or park land; and. State St_66 Application Materials β Lowell, MA May 28, 2025 β Application Process β A petition (see) which has been determined a significant change in the lot of size will be necessary for building; the applicant must establish that there is sufficient usable land on the premises to accommodate the proposed change in size; the applicant must also show that a substantial change in use is likely. . State St_66 Application Materials β Lowell, MA Jul 1, 2025 β Applicant and Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing β Following issuance of the petition, following the receipt and consideration of the application, and after notice of the date and time of the hearing, the Zoning Board has the discretion to determine whether an extension may be granted to allow the applicant time to seek the following: (1) a special permit issued for a proposed building; (2) an appeal of the Zoning Board's decision; and (3) to amend the petition. If at a hearing the Zoning Board does not grant an extension, the applicant and Zoning Board of Appeals have 90 days to request a rehearing of the decision. State St_66 Application Materials β Lowell, MA (See Main Special Permit Supplement Form) Oct 1, 2025 β Notice of Appeal Std_66 β The owner of a lot on a residential property seeks to appeal a decision by the Board of Appeals in which the Board found thatΒ The state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is to perform, or shall cause to be performed certain environmental restoration activities described in the state environmental restoration plan. The state DEP is to perform, or shall cause to be performed certain environmental restoration activities located within the city of Lowell for a cost to be paid by the applicant or the state. .
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